
    E23: Flo自修室: 女人有過度自責症?

    Lilian |Carmen

    由心理學家 Kristin Neff 去年出版的書 FIERCE SELF-COMPASSION: HOW WOMEN CAN HARNESS KINDNESS TO SPEAK UP, CLAIM THEIR POWER, AND THRIVE ,講到另一個心理學家 Brene Brown 最受歡迎的 TED Talk “Power of Vulnerability”, 再講到 Ted Talks 的 best practices,今集 Carmen 同 Lilian 會一邊同大家玩心理測驗,一邊分享她們對自我同情和脆弱的力量的想法。

    Flow of this Flo podcast: 

    • 自我批判 vs 自我同情
    • 心理測驗:你有足夠的自我同情心嗎?
    • 如何自我同情?
    • 脆弱的力量
    • Haters gonna hate
    • 忠於自己

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    Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on

    Tags: #Flowomensclub, #personalstories, #selflearning, #selfimprovement #hongkongpodcast, #香港podcast, #廣東話podcast, #廣東話, #cantonese, #cantonesepodcast, #podcasthk, #cantopodcast, #kristinneff, #brenebrown, #TEDTalk, #selfcompassion, #powerofvulnerability, #過度自責症, #自我同情, #脆弱的力量, #心理測驗

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